A highland fling

our wee adventure on the Black Isle

Two months of heaven


Well, we went and did it. Bought a house, moved North, enjoying ‘multi-generational living’, as they call it these days!

This is why we left our mountain home in Spain, to live together as a group, sharing the ups and downs of life. We are really enjoying seeing the girls every day as they pop through to help us with work, mess around with the dogs, and so on. And, of course, it’s great to get to know our daughter again, as an adult rather than ‘just’ our child! 

We’re living on the Black Isle in a very rural area, yet only 15 minutes from Inverness. It’s sooooo gorgeous here, trees, wildlife, a big garden — all the things Kenton and I hold dear.

There is a lot to do to make our end of the house a real home. We’ve put in separating door, and soon will be turning one of the rooms into a kitchen. We love doing that type of work! That will be followed by outdoor work come spring, adding a greenhouse, BBQ, bread oven, raised beds, and so on.

We can’t wait, and I’m sure our little helpers will make the workload lighter!


Author: Ann Larson

One-time IT executive who lives on a 22 acre olive farm in Spain with husband Kenton and 2 boxer dogs. We make Yunquera Gold olive oil, and soap and skincare products from same. We aim to make natural, fresh, and handmade products at affordable prices!

2 thoughts on “Two months of heaven

  1. Big changes… all sounds good. Except for you being so far away. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know, that’s a serious down side. I so miss my great friends in Spain, and Spain itself… xx
