A highland fling

our wee adventure on the Black Isle

Culture shock


So we’re back. And it’s been quite the hard landing. Yes, we decided to come back, for some very good reasons. Yes, we expected an adjustment period.

But oh my god, we didn’t expect it to be quite so hard! A month later, and we are still at loose ends, feeling like we don’t fit in. You don’t expect to feel quite so odd being back in a country you lived in for over 20 years, do you?

But odd we do feel, good readers. And lonely for our friends in Spain. And missing our glorious home on the mountain. Every Sunday, it seems, I shed tears, and if you know me well, you know how much I hate to cry.

Suffolk is a beautiful county, for sure. But there are too many people. Too many cars. It’s too expensive. And too muddy. With too many rules.

It’s our fault, I know. We’ve changed, maybe too much. Family and friends have moved on with their lives, and there’s little room for us in there.

But we won’t give up just yet. Stay we will, and we will work towards adjusting and accepting, and one day we will feel like us again.

But for today, we reserve the right to be sad.

Author: Ann Larson

One-time IT executive who lives on a 22 acre olive farm in Spain with husband Kenton and 2 boxer dogs. We make Yunquera Gold olive oil, and soap and skincare products from same. We aim to make natural, fresh, and handmade products at affordable prices!

9 thoughts on “Culture shock

  1. I sympathise – we moved back in July and I’m still ‘out of sorts’ – Onward and upward, however!
    (maybe we should form an “Ex-Expats society”? 🙂


  2. Suffolk and Norfolk are not the nice quiet counties they used to be ☹️️
    Definitely targeted for the latest London & Essex overspill, I notice the traffic getting worse monthly, sometimes weekly ☹️️ But if you know where to go there are some nice spots to get away to at the weekend 😊


  3. Oh, so know how you feel Ann. We lived on a mountain in Spain overlooking the mediterranean sea for over 14 years. Having moved back to the UK two years ago, I still feel sad at times. It’s a huge adjustment, but it is starting to get a little easier. Just keep positive and accept it. I think that was a big thing for me, acceptance. It is different, yes a lot of it isn’t great, but there’s still a lot of beauty and joy to be found in life, wherever we are, we just have to choose to look for it. X


  4. It is culture shock, even for our short sojourns in Spain. It’s not so bad with a NYC re entry. Direct to Texas is painful, more so this year for reasons I’m sure you clearly understand. What are we going home to? Ready to be home but tremble at what is ahead.


  5. So sorry to hear of your difficulties Ann. I’m not surprised — change is always hard, and this is a huge change. And none of us is 21 any more. At least you can hug your granddaughters more often now.

    PS I don’t remember having to log in to leave a comment.
