A highland fling

our wee adventure on the Black Isle

Lujos goes Dutch!


It was very much a Lujos week last week! We fulfilled orders on the Monday, posted them on Tuesday. Then came Wednesday – yet more cooking in the Lujos lab!

It came about this way. In the spring, I had an email out of the blue from our Yunquera Gold site, asking if we offered tours of our olive farm. The email was from a lady who was bringing a group from the Netherlands to a retreat/spa near Yunquera. They had some spare time, and Mirjam (“the lady”) thought the group might enjoy a tour of the farm, and a talk about how and why we moved here.

Well, we had never considered doing this, but why not? We love to talk about our farm, our village and our life here. They seemed very much like-minded people (the Dutch are very into natural products), so it seemed like a good fit.

So turn up they did – on a chilly, windy day when it was just starting to drizzle. They were such good sports, going for a long walk with Kenton before coming back for a little “hospitality snack” of homemade bread, Yunquera Gold olive oil, and a few other snacks. (we hastily put away the ham and wine, as they were on a detox week!)

It was good fun, and they were lovely people. So I was delighted when Mirjam emailed me last week asking for a return visit on October 12th! A different group this time, but just as supportive, and just as friendly. They were appreciative of our efforts here, and loved our Lujos products. And luckily, this time we had superb weather!

What more could we ask?

Lujos friends from the Netherlands

Lujos friends from the Netherlands (photo by Kenton @ imagenary.co.uk)

Author: Ann Larson

One-time IT executive who lives on a 22 acre olive farm in Spain with husband Kenton and 2 boxer dogs. We make Yunquera Gold olive oil, and soap and skincare products from same. We aim to make natural, fresh, and handmade products at affordable prices!

2 thoughts on “Lujos goes Dutch!

  1. Sounds like a great visit!

    Just one question — when detoxing, is ham a Bad Food because it is cured with chemicals or something? The wine I understand, but the ham threw me a bit.
